Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello Fellow Classmates. I would like to introduce myself today in this blog. I am 21 years old and a 2nd year student at San Jose State University and the oldest of four children. I have enjoyed my experience in San Jose State so far. I took Public Speaking last semester (Spring 2010) and it was a good experience even though I thought it would be a challenging class because I don't like speaking in front of  people. I signed up for Comm 41: Critical Decision Making to satisfy my G.E. requirements but I am looking forward to develop my critical decision skills by taking this course. I have only taken one online class as a college student and it was Art Appreciation. The Art Appreciation online class was not as difficult  as I thought it would be but there where times when it was difficult to get assignments done due to the technological difficulties of an online class. I like playing video games as well as sports and I am a Justice Studies Major.I enjoy watching movies but I prefer horror movies. I live life day by day and do not let anything or anyone hold me down.