Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 16-Post 1: Learning in Comm 41

There are many new concepts I learned through taking this comm 41 course and applying the concepts to everyday life. All the concepts learn through this semester were useful by applying them through weekly blogs that we had to do because doing these blogs assure that I was understanding and thinking such as concepts like Appeal to Emotion. I never knew that there was many concepts to do with Appeals to Emotion such as appeal to pity, appealing to fear,appeal to spite, and many more concepts having to do with appeal to emotion. The group projects were very useful for this class because it made you go back and look at concepts and apply them to group projects such as looking at a editorial and applying some of these comm 41 concepts to write and critique the editorial. The second project was using a social organization such as PETA to write about what kind of argumentation the website uses to prove their points. All these things were helpful to learn all the concepts in comm 41 but the blogs were most useful to keep you thinking about how your going to apply the concepts and use your own examples to write on your blog.

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