Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 11-Post 1: Appeal to Emotion

In Chapter 10: "Too much Emotion", Epstein talks about appeals to emotion. According to Epstein, Appeal to emotion is "an argument is just a premise that says, roughly, you should believe or do something because you feel a certain way" (191). The emotion that appeal to me was "Appealing to fear" because it was the first appeal to emotion that I could relate to. Is is true that appeal to fear is way that politicians and advertisers manipulate people and it happens all over the world. I could relate to this because does how people get other people to do things because they create that fear in a persons mind. I remember when I turned 16 I wanted to get my permit to begin learning how to drive, but my mom told me that I had to get only A's B's in my report cards so if i got anything lower than a B I will not continue to use my permit to drive. So in a sense my mom planted that appeal of fear in me to get me to get good grades if I wanted to get my permit. So this the reason that this appeal emotion strikes me because it reminded me of that moment when I wanted my drivers permit.

1 comment:

  1. Appealing to fear was also one of the emotions that appealed to me the most. I see this happen all the time especially in commercials or online advertisements. It's crazy how politicians manipulate people in to believing into things. With the recent elections, I noticed that many of the politicians would put fear in to their ads to scare voters in to voting for someone. My mom also told me to get good grades so I would be able to drive. If I had bad grades my mom would threaten me that my insurance would go up. It is funny how parents also implement appeal to fear to their kids.
