Friday, November 19, 2010

Week 14-Post 2: Mission Critical Website

At first it took me a few minutes to realize that mission critical was not another concept in critical thinking that I had to learn. I looked all over the place and only saw a lot of familiar concepts that I already learned about by reading the Epstein text and small group communication text. Then I realized that the mission critical website is a website that reviews mots of the concepts learned in critical thinking, but there were also new concepts that I had not heard or knew nothing about. I remember that there was a chapter in the Epstein text where we learned about different appeals to emotion. I don't remember seeing "Appeal to Prejudice" in the Epstein text or at least did not see this concept. From this mission critical website I learned that appeal to prejudice is also known as appeal to stereotype. According to the mission critical website, appeal to prejudice is "a predisposition to judge groups of people or things either positively or negatively, even after the facts of a case indicate otherwise". This website is really helpful because it has all the concepts that I have learn about in this comm 41 class in critical thinking and allows me to go back as well as other students to go back and review concepts that were not clear the first time around.


  1. I felt the same way when reading through this website. It seemed to have many of the concepts that we have already discussed in class and a few that were unfamiliar or undiscussed. I agree that this website is a really good resource to review or locate an alternative description that might help clarify a concept that is difficult to understand. There seem to be a number of “appeal to” fallacies listed, some of which were new. I don’t believe I have ever heard of appeal to prejudice either, but your description painted a clearer picture of the argument structure.

  2. hey there, first off, great response to the mission critical website that was provided to us. i also think it was very helpful to us. Reading it made me remember everything or a lot that we have went over this semester, this could have been a great tool to read before the last essay we had to kinda have something to check in with to make sure everything we were doing was being done right or to have a strong guide. it definitely helps make up for not reading past lessons for those who did not read or even just to catch up. but anyways, great post!
