Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vague Sentence

  Vague Sentences are the easiest ways for us to communicate several thoughts and feelings to one another. Today my dog was running around the house after he woke up in the morning. He was running around looking for a place to pee since he had just woke up. He disappeared for a while and we began to call his name, “Bean?!, Bean!? Come here.” He popped out of nowhere and showed up coming out from behind the T.V. table and then we began to get a stinky smell, which was from his poop. He ran out towards me and gave me that cute little innocent look that he had not done anything. Soon after my cousin said, “He is so bad.” This then came to be the vague sentence. The reason is because he did not specify by what he meant in which, why the dog is bad. As we can see vague sentences are everywhere in our everyday life.

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