Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 3- Post 3: Individual Evaluation

     In "The Essential Guide to Group Communication", O'Hair and Wiemann give good pointers on how to evaluate every individual in your group to make sure that there was leadership establish as well as the rest of the group participating. O'Hair and Wiemann state the eleven topics to evaluate group members are "preparation, speaking, listening, open-mindness, sensitivity for others, value of information, value of thinking, group orientation, value of procedural contributions, assistance in leadership function, and then the overall evaluation" (53). I found these to be very important because I have worked in groups numerous of times and most of the time these groups were picked by the teacher. This is really good way to think of when you are evaluating a person in your group because most of the time not every person in the group contributes to the project or assignment in the same way. There might be people in your group that do no work and receive credit while the people that did all the work feel upset because not every person did the same amount of work. Also evaluating is good to receive feedback because I always like when I receive feedback for the hard work I did on a assignment and what I could work on more. I feel that its always good to receive feedback from your own group members that way individuals know what they did great and what they need to work on. 

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